the last word in vegetables
This week I am so happy to bring you squash and zucchini. It was a zucchini plant with which I credit my vegetable awakening. To tell the story of my vegetable awakening I have to introduce you to my Grandpa Mel. My grandpa loved to tell these little quips which were not really jokes, not really stories, but more like sayings that were not common and only he said. My family called them Melvinisms. One of his most common Melvinisms was whenever zucchini was eaten or brought up in discussion he would say “ah zucchini the last word in vegetables!” Which again is not really funny, or wrong by account of the alphabet - zucchini is the last one. But it is sort of a ridiculous thing to say. Nonetheless, as a result of Grandpa Mel I too always said / say “zucchini is the last word in vegetables.” And the funny green veggie always held a special place in my heart, and reminds me of Grandpa Mel.
Flash forward one year after Grandpa Mel passed, I was working on my first farm at age 17 for my senior internship of high school. I am walking through the vegetable field when all of a sudden I stop in my tracks mesmerized by this plant with these gorgeous yellow flowers. In an instant I decide I need to learn everything about this plant. It is then when the farm manager pulls apart the leaves to reveal the funny green veggie growing attached to that flower. A zucchini! The last word in vegetables!
I call this moment my vegetable awakening for many reasons. For one, I am overwhelmed with awe to now learn how the zucchini plant grows. However, at the same time I am almost embarrassed to have not known what the zucchini plant already looked like! For such a significant vegetable in my life, how could I not know?! The moment was a catalyst for me. If I didn't know what the last word in vegetables grew like, what else did I not know about vegetables? I was just getting started.
I often think about if Grandpa Mel thought about that moment and if he knew how much his Melvinism led to. Now when I grow squash and I grow it for you to eat, I feel connected to Grandpa Mel and the last word in vegetables.
With this story I encourage you to think about the significant vegetables in your family and if you know what their plants and flowers look like!
Along with zucchini I am growing some other fun squash, and lots of other vegetables. I hope you enjoy them!
Happy eating,
Farmer Jamie
Baby Farmer Jamie and Grandpa Mel!
recipe from Chef Madison
a salad to celebrate the last word in vegetables
zucchini and summer squash shaved salad
2-4 zucchini or summer squash
1 lemon (to use for zest and juice)
1 tbsp honey
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, minced (if you like garlic)
1/2 bunch fresh tender herbs (mint, basil, chives, dill)
fresh ground pepper
toppings such as toasted nuts, seeds or cheese
shave the squash - using a vegetable peeler, shave the squash into long ribbons. I like to shave one side until I hit the seeds, rotate and repeat. You will be left with the core (it will be too soft with the seeds to shave so I call this a chef’s treat and eat it as my reward).
salt the squash - (this is not necessary but it helps keep your salad from getting too soggy by drawing out the moisture before you add your dressing. feel free to skip if you are in a time crunch!). lay the ribbons over a colander or on a cutting board and sprinkle with salt. let sit for 20-40 minutes, then wipe away excess moisture.
mix the dressing - while the squash is getting its liquid out, zest and juice the lemon. add lemon zest and half the juice to honey and whisk to combine. drizzle in evoo. add minced garlic (if using). add pinch of salt and taste. add more evoo, honey, lemon to get the flavor you like!
put it all together - gently toss the dried squash ribbons with the dressing. add fresh ground pepper, a mix of herbs and toasted nuts/seeds or cheese! my favorite combo this summer is basil + chopped pistachio + feta (for my friends) + a spicy pepper :)
ribbons of the last word in vegetables, topped with honey lemon vin, feta, basil & brined almonds
what we are growing the week of 7/19/23
summer squash
red lettuce
little gem lettuce
herb bunch