kind of a big dill
september 2, 2023
a shindig bash! an all day celebration on the farm
it was a bash! a shindig bash, a Berkshires bash, an earth bash, a birthday bash (for Farmer Jamie!), a bash to end all bashes. our first afternoon on the farm bringing together so many we admire. we learned how to ferment with Door Prize, tasted natural wine with South Egremont Spirit Shoppe, created bouquet art with Indian Line Farm flowers led by Katarina Samora, learned how to compost on the farm and at home, painted veggies, tattooed veggies, admired veggies, toured the farm, jammed to sweet sweet music by David Clark Carrol and Rounders Revival and ate a feast of farm-fresh food! yup, it was a good day.
a very special thank you to …
Katie Herbst and Rounders Revival for sweet sweet music and playing Farmer Jamie’s favorite song: Dancing Queen!
David Clark Carroll for getting the party started with beautiful bluegrass
South Egremont Spirit Shoppe for delicious natural wine, tastings, storytelling and education
Door Prize for a brilliant fermentation workshop! our favorite sauerkraut ever
Katarina for creating art with flowers and showing us how to build a perfect bouquet
Indian Line Farm for beautiful flowers and endless support
all of our guests for painting veggies on our kitchen wall. a masterpiece!
Lisa and Eric Nadler for being our biggest supporters, and tending bar
Andy Bullard for building, creating, trenching, cooking, everything
Dancing Greens Farm is possible because of you